About Us
Here you will find information about the structure of the LCFN and the partner organization in Germany, about our members and why we work in Namibia.
The Living Culture Foundation Namibia is a German-Namibian organisation which consists of the Namibian voluntary association Living Culture Foundation Namibia based in Windhoek and the german partner organisation Living Culture Namibia e.V. based in Tangermünde
Living Culture Namibia e.V. (LCN e.V.)
The organisation (Verein) Living Culture Namibia e.V. is the German partner of the Namibian non-profit organisation. Among other things the LCN e.V. represents the LCFN in Germany and tries to find supporters, sponsors and contributors all over Europe. Furthermore the members of the LCN e.V. in Germany are also directly involved in conception and design of the projects in Namibia.
Constitution of the LCN e.V. (german)
The Living Culture Foundation Namibia (LCFN)
The LCFN in Namibia is mainly responsible for the direct initiation, implementation, supervision and evaluation of the projects. Also the LCFN represents the organisation in Namibia and tries to find supporters, sponsors and contributors and directly involved project partners there.
Constitution of the LCFN (english)
Managing board
Sebastian Dürrschmidt
Email: sduerrschmidt@lcfn.info
Dr. Ralf Kühn
Email: RalfKuehn@kabelmail.de
Claudia Tülp
Email: cl-Tuelp@t-online.de
The LCFN in Namibia
The Living Culture Foundation Namibia will mainly operate in Namibia. The main reason is that the idea for the foundation was born in Namibia and was drafted to a large extend by Namibians. The main advantage for a successful teamwork exists in the already available cultural competence of the supporters, who are familiar with the mentality of a lot of cultures and communites in Namibia and have important knowledge about the country, due to their work in the tourism sector.
There are multiple reasons for the decision to be active in Namibia. Namibia has world wide the highest contrast between poor and rich. This fact motivates the supporters of the LCFN with in the scope of their possibilities to reduce this contrast.
Namibia is a culturally very versatile and heterogeneous. Apart from the official language English another 26 “living” languages exist. The demographic structure is also versatile and different. Twelve main ethnic groups exist: Owambo, Kavango, Herero, Himba, Damara, Nama, Topnaar, Rehoboth Baster, Coloureds, Caprivians, San, Tswana and the descendants of European and Asian immigrants. Due to this heterogeneity Namibia offers excellent possibilities for cultural promotion of different societies. Namibia is after Mongolia the country with the lowest population density. As a result the different societies live relatively isolated from each other. This is also a reason why the country has an interesting and culturally versatile potential, which allows the initiation of many different projects.
Namibia is furthermore a very safe state, with a low potential for conflict. Also corruption is compared to other African countries relatively low. Due to the good infrastructure distant destinations can be reached easily. All this as well as the wild, original nature offer important possibilities in the tourism sector, which is highly relevant for the LCFN.
Perspectively the LCFN plans to develop into an internationally acting organisation that helps people worldwide.