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Fascinating culture of the San

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Culture of the Zambezi region

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Hunter-gatherer culture of the Damara

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Unique culture of the Ovahimba

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San culture of the Kalahari

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Bantu culture of the Okavango

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San culture of Northern Namibia

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Development cooperation

Let us introduce the main field development work of the LCFN in Namibia.

1. Establishment of a cultural network of Living Museums

Namibia has two main language groups (Bantu and Khoisan), which are divided into seven smaller language groups (Owambo, Kavango, Caprivian, Herero, San, Tswana, Khoe Khoe) that are again split into 28 different dialects. For the formation of a comprehensive cultural network ideally each Namibian cultural group should be present with at least one Living Museum. A “Living Museum” would offer by far the best opportunity for the community regarding cultural involvement as well as generating sustainable income.

We have the task to find motivated project groups to establish, with our help, a Living Museum in the area of their language group (community) and thus contribute to the establishment of a cultural network. This is only possible if a strong trust-based cooperation is formed between the LCFN and the project group, which not only includes continuous consulting in difficult situations, but also constructive critical faculties on both sides.

The establishment of a Living Museum mainly requires time, trust and traditional knowledge, that is not always exsistant. In this case we normally achieve a knowledge transfer through traditional workshops, during which members of different Living Museums exchange their traditional craftsmenship and knowledge.

Meeting with a community to discuss the concept of a Living MuseumMeeting with a community to discuss the concept of a Living Museum

2. Marketing / Public relations

LCFN will support established Living Museum with targeted marketing strategies within the tourism-, educational- and cultural sector. We also support the further development of the project group with regards to financial management of the business, tourism management, trained guiding, etc.

A. Marketing for Living Museums

An important part is the professional presentation of each Living Museum on an individual web page, which can be found on our web site. On this web page, individual visitors, tour operators or educational institutions can inform about the projects (concept, members, logos, maps, programes, movie and picture gallery, etc.).

Furthermore the LCFN will produce signboards, flyers, posters, postcards and much more.

Errection of a signboard for the Mbunza Living MuseumErrection of a signboard for the Mbunza Living Museum

B. Cooperation with the tourism industry

A close cooperation with the tourism industry aimed at with regards to the reciprocal advantages. The projects of the cultural network will be introduced to tour operatours, lodges, guest houses and back packers. Successfully established projects will furthermore be introduced to travel guides. The main aim is to reach a constant level of bookings for the projects, as well as the establishment of new touristic routes in the country.

C. Cooperation with educational institutes

Apart from the tourism industry the LCFN also has a great interest to involve and intergrate educational institutions into the work of the cultura platform. Ideally a close cooperation between the members of the cultural network and different educational institutions is achieved. Supported programs could be school excursions and school projects during school holidays (exchanges, etc.). A cooperation with universities and other tertiary educational institutions would be positive, for example in the areas of cultural education and research.

Living Museums in Namibia

Please find an overview of all Living Museum in Namibia

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