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The Living Museum of the Mafwe
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Bantu culture of the Zambezi region

Programs & Rates

1. Short program  (± 1,5 h)

You will get an introduction into our traditional life and you will learn a bit about our historic craftmanship. Follow us on a short bushwalk and enjoy the singing and dancing afterwards.

  • N$ 220.00 / Person

2. Spend a day with us (± 4 h)

Experience the daily routine in our traditional life by joining us for a whole day. Try to make fire, stamp the mahangu and taste our traditional food. You will learn about some of our traditional craftsmanship (weaving, forging an arrow point, making jewellery, bows, arrows, spears etc.). Follow us on a bushwalk and get an impression about how we used to hunt and fish. Enjoy the evening around our camp fire with singing, dancing and games.

  • N$ 380.00 / Person 

3. Our present village (± 1,5 h)

Meet our friendly people on a guided walk through our village and see how we live today.

  • N$ 110.00 / Person



  • For the adventurous there is a basic bushcamp which consists of a cleared area, where tents can be pitched – there is no water and electricity but a dry toilet. At the moment the costs are N$ 60 per person per night and N$ 10 for a bundle of fire wood.


  • At the Living Museum there is a craftshop where you can buy crafts, jewellery and common tools of the Mafwe. You will support the whole community of Singalamwe, the village where most of the actors of the Living Museum live. Everyone from Singalamwe - not only the actors of the Living Museum - is encouraged to produce crafts for the craftshop to generate an extra income for the whole community.

Professional filming (documentaries, movies, etc.):

  • N$ 8800.00 - up to 2 days unlimited filming even if you only film a few hours.
  • N$ 2200.00 - for every further day.
  • More information about filming in Namibia

Child policy:

  • Children from 0 – 2 years are free of charge.
  • Children from 3 – 12 years pay half price.

Namibian student groups:

  • Namibian student groups only pay half of above prices
  • Up to 4 teachers (group leaders) are free of charge, but others pay the student price.
  • All groups must prove their Namibian origin to qualify for the reduced price.
  • Our Living Museum is a private educational institution without any external financial aid. As we need to pay our actors we are not able to reduce prices below this offer.

Living Museums in Namibia

Please find an overview of all Living Museum in Namibia

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