Here you will find some feedback from visitors of the Living Museum of the Mafwe.
Thomas & Frauke:
Sehr sehr schön, hoffentlich bleibt diese Tradition noch lange erhalten.
Angelika & Gruppe:
Danke für die wunderschöne traditionelle Vorführung. Es hat uns sehr gut gefallen.
Sero & Junita:
Beautiful evening with beautiful people that were really nice. Everyone should come here. I really recommend.
Katja & Mario:
Ein super Projekt. Vielen Dank für die schöne Führung.
Thank you very much to the Mafwe people for giving us this interesting insight into their culture. I hope this was not the last time coming here. Many thanks.
Thank you for showing us everything. It was an amazing feeling to be here with you. I learned a lot and appreciate that. Stay like this forever and cultivate your culture. It is beautiful.
Pia & Sören:
Thanks for a real good guiding of your old village. We liked the dancing and singing that showed us about the old time. We also like to eat and drink the juice from the Baobab fruit.