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The Living Museum of the Damara
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Hunter-gatherer culture of the Damara


Here you will find some feedback from visitors of the Living Museum of the Damara.

Judith, Germany:
Endlich Endlich! I was looking a long time for a place and an impression like this. Thanks a lot for this opportunity – it’s amazing! Good luck for the future!...

Charlotte & Andrea, England:
Thank you sooo much for a very interesting and lovely tour. We cross our fingers that a lot of people wil support this. Please keep your beautiful traditions forever.

Lars & Vanessa, Germany:
It was one of the most interesting things we have seen in Namibia. Thank you so much!

Briano & Volker, Italy & Germany
Very interesting and well thought out project. We wish you lots of luck and keep up the good work,

Karin & Günther, Germany:
Wir wollten eigentlich die Felsmalereien ansehen, aber hier war es viel schöner.

Katy, Germany:
Dieser Besuch stellte den absoluten Höhepunkt unseres Afrika-Besuches dar. Einfach wunderbar.

Michan, Namibia:
As a Namibian I realized I have so much to learn about the beautiful people of this country – so rich in diversity!

Jo & Hans, Germany:
Das tollste Museum, in dem ich je gewesen bin. Vielen Dank und alles Gute!

The Philippe family, USA:
Thank you for sharing your unique and deeply rich cultural heritage.

Gerard & Maya, Namibia:
Really fantastic that you try to make the revival of your culture.


Hier finden Sie einige Kommentare von Besuchern des Lebenden Museums der Damara

Judith, Germany:
Endlich Endlich! I was looking a long time for a place and an impression like this. Thanks a lot for this opportunity – it’s amazing! Good luck for the future!...

Charlotte & Andrea, England:
Thank you sooo much for a very interesting and lovely tour. We cross our fingers that a lot of people wil support this. Please keep your beautiful traditions forever.

Lars & Vanessa, Germany:
It was one of the most interesting things we have seen in Namibia. Thank you so much!

Briano & Volker, Italy & Germany
Very interesting and well thought out project. We wish you lots of luck and keep up the good work,

Karin & Günther, Germany:
Wir wollten eigentlich die Felsmalereien ansehen, aber hier war es viel schöner.

Katy, Germany:
Dieser Besuch stellte den absoluten Höhepunkt unseres Afrika-Besuches dar. Einfach wunderbar.

Michan, Namibia:
As a Namibian I realized I have so much to learn about the beautiful people of this country – so rich in diversity!

Jo & Hans, Germany:
Das tollste Museum, in dem ich je gewesen bin. Vielen Dank und alles Gute!

The Philippe family, USA:
Thank you for sharing your unique and deeply rich cultural heritage.

Gerard & Maya, Namibia:
Really fantastic that you try to make the revival of your culture.

Damara Guestbook

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